
See you at Dekalb?

September 27, 2009

So where is everyone?

Pre-reg for Deklab/Hopkins Park has been a little lite. We know its a bit of drive out there… but race promoter & North Central Cyclery owner Tobie Depauw and co-promoters Half Acre Cycling have a few fun things in store for everyone. Can you say single-track? And don’t forget the Officially Unofficial IL St Single Speed CX Championship!

Dekalb/Hopkins Park promises to be another great race in the CCC in only its 2nd year as part of the series. You can see pix from last year’s race here, and a bus to rival the Cuttin’ Crew’s Cruiser here.

See you all next Sunday!

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Non CCC Weekend Racing

September 25, 2009

Good luck to everyone racing in Madison this weekend! From the looks of pre-reg the Chicagoland area will be well represented.

The Planet Bike Cup is hosted by CCC series sponsor, fantastic blinky light maker, and just great people Planet Bike. Check out the details on MadCross and take a look at that course!!! More twists and turns than a bowl of spaghetti!

Also, even though is a bit further away on the calendar, online registration is open for Jingle Cross out in Iowa over Thanksgiving weekend. We’ve heard nothing by good things about this 3 race weekend and pre-reg is filling up fast.

Finally, for those of you in other parts of IL, there are plenty of other CX races… including the Ronde Von Evergreen this weekend.
You can find all the information you need here on the CX section of the USAC website here.

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Jackson Park Results – Update

September 24, 2009

Hi all,

We’re sure you’ve all been wondering what’s going on with the Master 40+, Men 3, Masters 50+, and Women 1/2/3 results from Jackson Park.

  1. First off, we’re very, very sorry these results have been so delayed. The CCC directors and xXx put on what we thought was a great race and there was one small, albeit very important, piece of the puzzle that went missing somewhere around 11:45am on Sunday… that being timely results for the first 2 start waves.
  2. What Happened? Plain and simple… too many of you showed up! The CCC and USAC officials were planning on more growth in the number of riders in this year’s CCC, but we vastly underestimated how much more (130 more starters than in 2008!). Consequently we all were completely inundated with the number of riders. Thankfully pre-reg helped (a lot) and we got everyone started on time, but we unfortunately did not have enough officials to properly run the race that day.
  3. What Happened Next? After the 30+/40+ race there were a few protests in the 40+ results. Nothing new there… but that pulled away one of the 4 officials away from the finish line to deal with the protests. Already being shorthanded that left only 2 officials (1 official runs the race and does not score) to score the Men 3, 50+, and Women 1/2/3 race. These 2 officials did the best they could, but were overwhelmed by the 90+ riders who were on the course at that time.
  4. So then what? Luckily the next race was the Women 4 and Juniors (the smallest race of the day) and the officials got back on track, but the damage was already done for the 11am race.
  5. Okay, so now what? We’ve been in constant contact (read: every day since Sunday) with the USAC officials trying to rectify the situation and come to an acceptable conclusion. As you’re reading this all 4 officials are going back over their notes from that day and re-scoring the 11am races. As soon as they’re done (they all have day jobs too you know) the USAC IL Technical Director (Dave Fowkes) and the CCC Directors will compare all of the re-scored races and produce final results. Please be advise this will likely not happen until early next week… but will be done in time for Dekalb.
  6. What is the CCC and USAC doing to correct the problem? For the rest of the season every CCC race will have at least 5 officials. In cases where pre-reg hits 275 riders USAC will add a 6th official. The CCC promoters are also discussing splitting up the first 2 races of the day into 3 races. Something to the tune of 40+/Women 123, 30+/50+, and Men 3.
  7. What about chip timing? Chip timing is not the holy grail that everyone thinks it is. The CCC took a serious look at chip timing last year and determined it would cost at least $7 to $8 per rider, per race. Last year’s Montrose race did not cost extra because the company was demo’ing the equipment for us (with poor results). If however the CCC promoters were to purchase chips and run the system themselves, the biggest problem is not really the cost, but the manpower needed to distribute and collect the chips, the space needed to store them, and then the people to run the equipment. The CCC is still a small organization with limited resources. If we had the time, money, and human resources to have chip timing and a FinishLynx camera at every race we’d be doing it… but the reality is that’s not going to happen, at least not this year.
  8. Is there anything I can do to help the current situation? Yes! If you raced in one of the affected races and know where you placed, please email us at and let us know the race you were in, your name, place, and bib # if you still remember (if not we can look that up). We will then compare these emails when we compare the results from the officials. We’re not letting you pick your own place though… if you think you got 4th, but all the officials say you got 14th, then its obvious where you’re getting place, so please only serious replies.
  9. What can I do to help going forward? Get involved! IL needs officials and will likely have an introductory seminar sometime this fall. Even though there are 60+ officials in the Chicago area, take a look at the start/finish line at every road, track, and cross race and you’ll see the same 7 or 8 faces every time. We can’t have 30% growth in racers without a corresponding increase in officials. Think its easy to score a CX race? Hang out at the finish line, introduce yourself to the officials, and give it a try… scoring CX might actually be harder than racing itself!

Thanks again for all of your patience and understanding in this matter. We’ve already received many emails about the race, and with only one or two exceptions everyone has started off by saying how great of a course (thanks Greg Heck!) it was and how much fun they had (big thanks to these guys!). We know we have to get that last mile covered and we’re on it. Believe us, if anyone is frustrated by the situation its us.

See you all at Dekalb!
CCC Directors and Promoters

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Thursday CX Video

Sorry this is a short one, but we’ve been busy putting on races and racing ourselves. If you’ve got vids you’d like to share with everyone… email us.

Moto pacing behind a dirt bike? Full story here.

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3450199&w=425&h=350&fv=]

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CCC in the news!

A few local media articles about CX and specifically about the CCC.

Cyclocross is one crazy, muddy bike race Chicago Tribune article by xXx Racings’ Luke Seeman (thanks Luke!)

Follow up articles in the Trib:
10 Things to Know About Cyclocross
How Cyclocross Races Work
What You Need to Get Started in Cyclocross
And the seminal… How to be a Good Cyclocross Spectator

Another CX interview on the BoneBell of CCC Series Director Jason Knauff

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Tuesday CCC Updates

September 22, 2009

– Please remember to update your BikeReg rider profile here with your current USAC annual license. If we don’t have your license number you may not be properly scored in the overall standings. If your license is pending and in the mail, input the license number anyway. If you don’t remember what your license number is, you can look it up on the USAC site here. If you never plan on buying an annual license (shame on you) please input “ONE DAY”, but please DO NOT put “Pending” in the field. We match all riders to their USAC annual license numbers to help with scoring.

– Pre-reg is open for Bicycle Heaven’s St. Charles/Campton race. See all CCC races here.

– Two of our sponsor shops made it on CX Magazine’s list of best CX shops!

– Need another or new set of tires? VeloNews does a good review of lots of rubber.

– Want to see what each course looks like before you race on it? We suggest showing up early (hey, you can watch other races too!) and pre-ride the course in between races. There’s usually a small gap in time between when the previous race ends and the next race begins. The best way to know when you are allowed on the course is to hang out at the finish line as a race is finishing. The officials will let you know when you are allowed on the course. However, be aware that your are NOT allowed on the course to pre-ride while another race is in progress, and you MUST wait until an official tells you it is okay to enter the course. All riders finish on lead lap, so as the winners cross the finish line the officials should allow you to get on course. Need more time and want to get in a little more riding while you see the course? Just ride on the outside of the course tape next to the course. This will give you a good idea of what the terrain is like without actually being on the course. Just be careful when the course doubles back on itself that you don’t actually enter the course.

– On a similar note, if you are pre-riding, never ever ever ever pass a rider who is still racing and do not ride through the finish chute. The finish line will always be on a flat, straight section of the course so you shouldn’t have to pre-ride this section anyway. Plus, riding across the finish line may confuse the officials who may think you are finishing the previous race.

Jackson Park starters… the largest CCC race ever!
30+ = 27
40+ = 55
Men 3 = 61
50+ = 24
Women 1/2/3 = 13
Women 4 = 27
Juniors = 14
Men 1/2/3 = 33
Men 4A = 76
Men 4B = 76
Total = 406

Thanks again to everyone who came out to race, cheer, and be a part of the fun!

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Holy Cow!

September 20, 2009

What can we say??? Wow!
Today was the largest Chicago Cross Cup race… ever.

406 of you crazy crossers toed the line today and it was amazing. At one point during my own race, I thought I was in the middle of a Texas high school football pep-rally with all the cheering, cowbells, honking horns (thanks Newt), whistles, more cheering, more cowbells, a “DJ”… and the list goes on and on. xXx Racing was even cooking up brats and funnel cakes. I think the best line heard all day was from Pony Shop owner and 30+ racer Lou Kuhn who took time during his race to exclaim… “Its no fair we have to wait 9 months to have this much fun!”

We know we have a few kinks to work out, especially with the scoring, as it seems we’re a victim of our own success and have grown into a monster. Please be patient as we figure these things out. If you have any constructive criticism or ideas you think will help with any aspect of the races… please send them our way. We’re always looking for help too, so please contact us at if you’d like to lend a hand!

Final results and CCC overall standings will be posted as soon as possible this week (hopefully tomorrow). Results are posted for all fields except the 40+, Men 3, 50+, and Women 1/2/3. Just a reminder you can always find the link the overall standings here and how the Cup is scored here. We know some of your team names, etc are missing or may not be updated from the road season. As the USAC database is updated this info will be updated.

Thanks again to everyone who came out to race, cheer, and have a great cross time.
Good luck to all of your heading up behind the Cheddar curtain to race the USGP in Madison next weekend.

The CCC will be back in 2 weeks in Dekalb for the Hopkins Park race hosted by North Central Cyclery and Half Acre Cycling. As always, pre-reg’ing is suggested.

– CCC Directors and Promoters

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So… how’d we do?


Did you race Jackson Park?  Your feedback is needed to continue to bring you this great series. Please join our newsletter distribution list by sending your name and email address to or On Monday, September 21 we will be sending out a quick Jackson Park post event evaluation survey and would appreciate your feedback.

Your CCC Promoters and Directors

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September 17, 2009

The Men 4A field has filled up and is now closed!

Please note you will not be allowed to register for the Men 4A event on race day.

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