What can we say??? Wow!
Today was the largest Chicago Cross Cup race… ever.
406 of you crazy crossers toed the line today and it was amazing. At one point during my own race, I thought I was in the middle of a Texas high school football pep-rally with all the cheering, cowbells, honking horns (thanks Newt), whistles, more cheering, more cowbells, a “DJ”… and the list goes on and on. xXx Racing was even cooking up brats and funnel cakes. I think the best line heard all day was from Pony Shop owner and 30+ racer Lou Kuhn who took time during his race to exclaim… “Its no fair we have to wait 9 months to have this much fun!”
We know we have a few kinks to work out, especially with the scoring, as it seems we’re a victim of our own success and have grown into a monster. Please be patient as we figure these things out. If you have any constructive criticism or ideas you think will help with any aspect of the races… please send them our way. We’re always looking for help too, so please contact us at ChicagoCrossCup@gmail.com if you’d like to lend a hand!
Final results and CCC overall standings will be posted as soon as possible this week (hopefully tomorrow). Results are posted for all fields except the 40+, Men 3, 50+, and Women 1/2/3. Just a reminder you can always find the link the overall standings here and how the Cup is scored here. We know some of your team names, etc are missing or may not be updated from the road season. As the USAC database is updated this info will be updated.
Thanks again to everyone who came out to race, cheer, and have a great cross time.
Good luck to all of your heading up behind the Cheddar curtain to race the USGP in Madison next weekend.
The CCC will be back in 2 weeks in Dekalb for the Hopkins Park race hosted by North Central Cyclery and Half Acre Cycling. As always, pre-reg’ing is suggested.
– CCC Directors and Promoters